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Crystal Healing




Release, Relax, Unwind


Reiki, Aroma Massage and Crystal Therapy History and benefits within the body


Reiki is a spiritual healing art with its roots in Japanese origin.

Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means 'Universal life' and (Ki) which means 'energy'.

There is no religion or religious practice affiliated with Reiki.

Reiki is a subtle and effective form of energy work.


Reiki is quite literally the life energy that flows through us and all living things. As a practitioner I understand that we each have the ability to connect with our own healing through the guidance of Reiki.

When the body becomes weak or blocked, it can lead to symptoms of physical or emotional imbalance.

Reiki sessions can help with symptoms of stress, depression, anxiety, physical pain, strengthens your immune system, energizes and balances the whole body and promotes a sense of wellbeing and deep relaxation.  

Everyone can enjoy the benefits of Reiki. 


Aroma Massage is a therapy that involves the use of essential oils, these are gently massaged into the skin to promote healing.

Aromatherapy massage is particularly beneficial for emotional distress/pain caused by stress and anxiety or sleep disorders/insomnia.

 I have a large selection of high quality essential oils that I will blend specifically, depending on the purpose of your treatment.

Aromatherapy massage can simply be used to relax and can be complimented with Reiki for the ultimate relaxation experience.


Reflexology is a form of holistic therapy which through massage of the feet, aims to promote wellness though out the body.

The feet have reflex points that correspond to the different organs within the body's structure. When these areas on the feet are applied with accurate pressure, it influences the body's vital energy and stimulates the organ that corresponds to the pressure point.

Reflexology relieves stress and anxiety, improves nerve and blood supply and achieves balance.


Crystal healing Therapy has been used for thousands of years,  It is a fact that crystals emit a vibrational frequency which triggers the  body’s neurological system subtly. Different crystals possess their own unique energy frequency, thus producing different effects. Crystal Healing is the art of laying on stones (crystals or minerals) In coordination with the body’s energy field an energy centres . These aspects of the body’s energy field are also known as the aura, chakras and  meridians. Correct placement of crystals on the body will promote emotional and mental harmony. It is in this state that the body experiences the perfect conditions to heal naturally.

























Reiki Therapy
Aromatherapy Massage


A Reiki session is around 40 minutes.

The session itself will require you to rest comfortably on a massage table or chair if preferred.

loose clothing is suggested.

 You may feel a slight warming sensation or tingling during the treatment, or nothing at all except deep relaxation.

Please let me know if you would like to use crystals in your therapy.




Crystal Healing


An alternative healing therapy using the unique, unchanging energy pattern from crystals to bring balance and grounding to the mind and body removing negative energy and from the body and replenishing it with a clear and positive one. Crystal therapy usually lasts around 30 minutes, often i will infuse the crystal healing with Reiki. Allow 60 minutes from start to finish.



Herbalism/Essential oils 


I'm a fully registered herbalist with extensive knowledge in ASD/ADHD, anxiety and stress disorders. Menopause, Endometriosis & Polycystic ovary syndrome.



All oils used in my treatments are available to order.



Your initial Aromatherapy massage requires a 15 minute consultation. 


 Head, neck and shoulders - 30 minutes £25

  Back neck and shoulder massage - 40 minutes £45



Please allow yourself an extra 15 minutes onto your therapy.





Reflexology treatment. Allow 60 minutes


Reflexology therapy can help you with:

Immunity,   Hormone imbalance,   Fertility  

Improving digestion,    Reduce stress and anxiety,

Nerve damage,  Cancer recovery,  Arthritic pain




Crystals and bracelets


A variety of Hand made crystal healer/birthstone bracelets and  beautiful crystals and crystal carvings to help you on your healing journey.

If your local, book yourself in for a crystal viewing to find the perfect crystals for you.










Get in touch

Sarah Charge






Please like my Holistic FB page below for any new offers


Gemini crystals and bracelets








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